Fighting for Stephanie



Fighting for Stephanie

As a breast cancer survivor, Stephanie Romeo always makes
sure to wear her pink throughout the month of October.


Throughout the month of October, you’ll always find Stephanie Romeo in pink.

For her, Breast Cancer Awareness Month provides time to encourage others and reflect on her recovery, following her own breast cancer diagnosis in 2019.

“Mostly, I want to let people have some courage in them, especially if they go through what I went through,” she says.

After surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, Stephanie was declared cancer-free in June 2020. Throughout her treatment, she remembers feeling overwhelmed by everything that was happening. Learning about each treatment, seeing her hair change, and handling a drop in her energy level all became parts of her daily routine.

“It was scary,” Stephanie says. “I remember, right before the tennis tournament that year, my hair was falling out into my hands.”

She also remembers the large amount of support from her family and friends, including those at The Exceptional Foundation. Along with her mom, Karen, and her boyfriend, Andy, one important person was her best friend, Tamara, who spent the night at her house, talked to her on the phone during treatments, and stood by her through it all.

“I was with her the whole time,” Tamara says. “I went to visit her every day.”

Tamara remembers visiting Stephanie after her surgery, and she realized how so many people in the community were supporting her, even throughout the pandemic when visitors had to be limited.

Stephanie and Tamara first met when they became participants at The Exceptional Foundation after they graduated high school. Quickly, they became inseparable as they took trips together, watched movies, celebrated birthdays, and spent time together at The EF.

Even during the difficult moments, Stephanie continued to stay strong with her community behind her. Stephanie still came to The EF and participated in virtual activities when she could, and she continued to work – up until her surgery – in the mailroom at Vulcan Materials, where she has worked for more than 10 years.

Stephanie’s bravery has inspired so many of us, and she will continue to always support and cheer on the people around her.

Elizabeth Sturgeon